Tuesday, July 24, 2007


What an unbelievably challenging month July has been. I have gone through and experienced a lot more this month than I ever thought I would. It's been emotionally taxing. I was talking to mus sister on the phone, when I realized that these types of events really force you to evaluate. I suppose that when we are in times of stress or trouble; the tensions that we are facing will highlight all of our weaknesses and character flaws. I have had to come face to face with my own flaws. I'm not going to spell those out here. I guess I needed to type out that I at least have these to work on before I would think about working on them.

In the Bible, there is the story about the prodigal son. He eventually comes to his senses and decides to head back home. I think in a lot of ways, I have had to experience this on a more practical level. At what point in my life do I realize I need to change direction? That's the key. How long do you head in one direction before you make a change? This has been a huge deal for me this month. Making necessary changes and taking necessary steps in order to keep out of trouble. It's like learning how to walk all over again. Or trying to go back on a diet. Or maybe trying to do push-ups again.

Yea, so I tried to do some push-ups this morning. And it was a struggle. I did 10 (my goal) but it was rough. but I really didn't want to do push-ups. I would have rather played basketball. I have played basketball once in the 11 months I have lived in Nashville. Just one time. And that was with the junior high kids at church on an 8 foot goal. I would like to get back into that. I remember when I used to play a lot. I always felt great afterwards. Great, in a "my body is about to collapse" sort of way. I have always said that when the right time comes I am going to (fill in the blank) but that right time never seems to come. So I guess it really is "now or never."

Which reminds me of that Mute Math song, of course. And no I didn't plan that out. Seriously.

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