I'll be attending Bonnaroo next week and also Cornerstone. At Bonnaroo, I'll be excited to see a lot of bands that I've never seen before. I was fortunate enough to find some people who were taking volunteers to work the gate. SO! I'll be working the gate on Thursday, then that night I hope to see Mute Math. On Friday, I don't really have anyone I want to see until that night! I will FINALLY get to see The Roots, then Aesop Rock, El-P, and then DJ Shadow late that night! I may leave after that truthfully. but on Saturday night; if I'm still up for it. I can finally see Regina Spektor, Kings of Leon, Ben Harper & The Criminals, The Police, Girl Talk, and Sasha & John Digweed! Yea, I am definitely leaving after that. haha.
At the end of June, i'll be traveling to Illinois to play at the Cornerstone Music Festival. I think it will be similar to Bonnaroo in a lot of ways. Except that it's Christian bands playing and so on. I'll be there as part of 2'Shon & the SOLO. Should be fun! (Nashville people; if you want to see this band play before Cornerstone; be at The Anchor on Tues. June 19th at 7 and bring $5!) Also I'll be performing with Spoken Nerd. That will also be a lot of fun. I don't really want to see anyone perform at Cornerstone except for Pigeon John. I hope to spend some time in Rockford, IL when I am in Illinois; but I don't even know how I am going to get gas money to be in Illinois in the first place! Donations???

The acting thing has not worked out as quickly as I'd hoped. Other than appearing in Mat Kearney's music video briefly, I haven't done anything. I have had to work a lot (3 part time jobs) so I am hoping to get a better paying job; then I can whittle down to two. The high paying one; and the other one I moved here to do. You all know what that is. So I am trying. Once I get a better and more solid schedule there; I can work on film acting if I get night work hours; and theater acting if I get day work hours. And I will try and push the music thing also.
I've been working with D'Evora on retooling some Quiet Entertainer logos and I've been looking at some t-shirt options. You might hear more on this if it works out in a way that I find favorable.
I have a girlfriend now. What? Huh? Yes, it's true. Where did she come from? How did this happen? I just have no clue.

Anyway, so if I can get a better job. I won't have to move. I may move anyway; but I like this particular area and this apartment complex. But it's a lot of money for just me. I may need a roommate situation to appear soon. Anyway, I'll deal with that in the next month or so. Wish me luck. Pray. Do all that.
Thanks for your time.
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