Monday, January 15, 2007

Only different in your mind

I miss the moments like this one. I can just sit here and listen to music in the dark. I did this so often at home. I did so much of my best thinking in these times. I remember that if someone were to call me or if I were to call them during this time, I had great conversations. Or great times of prayer. I'm not saying that I want THOSE times back. I just remember them and how they are a lot like this moment.

Anyway, today was a good day. I went to a different church today. One of my new friends was part of the worship service. So some of us went to support him. That was fun. I met a bunch of other people too. Of course, later I watched the season premiere of 24. Unbelievable.

It's been good in 2007 to be somewhat more social. I think that has been a struggle with me in the past few years since college. Maybe even during college; I don't know. I seem to recall having to wait for just the right opportunity to go out and do whatever. Or waiting for a concert or something. I was remarking today with some friends about the joy of being around people! I had to catch myself, because I was wondering what I was talking about. Right now, working at the restaurant; I am always around people and always having to talk to people or interact, whether it is my co-workers or with customers/guests. So I think I am noticing that I need to actually take some time to remember how to act in front of people. Or remember how to talk to people. It's been a while. Before this, my full time job was mainly deal with people on the Internet and do Internet related things. So it's been nice to get out more for work and for other things.

However, I have gotten comments at work that suggest that I'm too intimidating or that I come across in a way that is "too intense." This isn't my intent at all. I guess I should use this time in order to relearn how to be friendly. I know that if people got to know me; they might see me as friendly. But what if they don't have time to get to know me? Am I using my encounters to portray what I want to portray? And this isn't a "being fake" or "being real" type of thing. I just want to work on myself as a person.

Never in '07 is still a success. I am pleased on that.

I was talking to a friend about my theme for the year, Run For It! She thought it was the same thing as Go For It! My idea for Run For It! was basically a reminder for me to not give up and to keep long term goals in mind and also it's a nod to Hebrews 12:1, but the term Go For It seems to imply an attitude of taking more risks and chances. Maybe it means more leaps of faith. More stepping out. Making yourself vulnerable. In either case, I think I am striving for both descriptions. But who knows.

This reminds me that I've been reading these articles and stories from an actor/producer/writer who has an online career course. Well, the stuff has been very inspiring and helpful. However, I think some of the writing is very Buddhist based. This isn't a big problem to me once I realized this. His big deal is changing your mindset because the mind controls all and creates all. I can see where he's going with this, and I think that my mindset can have a great effect on my actions. Taking it a step further though, I know that the mind doesn't control ALL nor did it create ALL. So with my belief in the One that actually does control and create...I think I will be alright. ;)

Again, I ask....Somebody please beat Tom Brady.

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