Monday, January 22, 2007

Killing me softly with kindness

It's Monday!
Well, I have had an okay weekend. I had to work most of the weekend. However, I did have Sunday off. So I got to see the football games. (Thanks to the Colts who answered my hit on Tom Brady.)

So HEROES is coming back to TV tonight! I am so very excited. My excitement equals my 24 excitement if not surpasses it. I wish everyone could check this show out. Definitely go to their website and catch up!

In the past week or so, I have been hearing the phrase "Kill them with kindness." What do you think that means? In context, it seems to be talking about when someone is treating you wrongly, then you have to be as kind to them as you can. Or "kill them with kindness." I guess this is in hope that people will see the error of their ways. I know that at Applebees, some of the servers are trying to use this tactic. I have seen some of the guests complain or act a certain way to the servers and the servers try to "kill them with kindness."

Here's what Proverbs 20:21-22 says-
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
if he is thirsty, give him water to drink.

In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head,
and the LORD will reward you.

I wonder what that phrase means "heap burning coals on his head." And I think it's interesting to think of someone else as your enemy. Or on the other hand, I could be someone else's enemy. I have not thought of enemies in a long time. Some of this is on my mind, because I see so much of it at the restaurant. And also, I think someone tried to "kill me with kindness" the other day. It's very disarming, and you think it's all cool. And then you think "oh, this person must be really pissed." Actually it happened to me twice recently. "Kill them" maybe that's what they really wanted to do to me. You can kind of feel the vibe of the conversation even when they are trying to be "kind." But are they really being kind? Hmm...

Anyway, just thinking out loud.

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