Thursday, January 11, 2007

My video debut

For those who haven't seen it yet; if you want to see me in a video...go to the latest entry called "29 Days Started" and click on either Play Now or Download.

The church from Memphis allowed me to be a part of their latest series. So I was very pleased about it.

Check these lyrics. I love this verse from Pigeon John
I live on the road, a modern day hobo
Trained to eat quick and expect the low blow
Get what you can from a dried up hole
In the land of the lost, cowboys in the sand
And my soul is the coal, and my life is the flame
And it's burning to earn all the lights and the fame
And it's turning to ash every step towards cash
And I'm losing it fast so I mash on the gas
But it's too late
My fate is a broken-hearted freshman even before my first date
And I smile at my call, another yes, yes y'all
With every summer, there's fall
So I just rock in my chair while they rock to the beat
A whole trainload of fresh meat
And it's so sweet how they dream, their young hearts beam
But they really don't know what it means, but they will though...

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