Today I gave my two weeks notice for Applebee's. Yesterday I was hired at Pizza Hut to be a delivery driver. But I won't start for a while. I suppose I'll have to keep doing the Applebee's thing until I get a schedule over at Pizza Hut. It'd be nice to time it to where I can have a weekend off. But I don't think that will be possible.
For those that didn't hear, I performed a show as Quiet Entertainer at the end of January. That was a lot of fun for me. If you haven't already, you can go to the QE myspace page and check the music. I enjoyed it; I hope that I get another opportunity to perform.
The acting thing has been slow. Everything has to take a back seat to working. the plan is to get new headshots and then immediately start doing the mailings. I have my resume ready to go. Anyway, we'll see. I also want to find an acting class in Nashville. Just something to stay sharp. I'll be searching for something like that. Hopefully work hours will work with that. Either an acting class or a night theatre thing. Either would be ideal. It's nice to talk about now but I guess it would take months for me to get financially ready to do this.
Once again, a new employee is letting me know that I need to loosen up. They asked if I was ever in the military. They asked me why I didn't smile much. Well, it's kind of an unfortunate situation. When you know that someone doesn't like you and that they want you to change or act a certain way, it never really puts me in a smiling mood. And I'd love to just stand around and be social at work. But amazingly, I am at work. So I just am finding a difficult balance between slacking off/socializing and working hard. So I just prefer to err on the side of caution. Meanwhile, I see others don't have a lot of problems with this. Perhaps I'm just not a nice guy. It's a possibility. I remember the last time I mentioned this kind of issue. I guess I don't know what I was expecting. Instead of encouragement, some people to the opportunity to add on to all of the other criticisms. This is an unfortunate and disappointing response. However, I imagine that these are honest responses. I suppose that in a lot of ways, I just am in my own little world and I have no real clue or maybe no desire to intersect my life with others sometimes. I know this isn't true all the time. But when i'm in a group and people are talking about something, if I have no clue about it then I won't insert myself into the conversation, nor will I try to play off it. I guess I could do that, but it would be BS. Who wants that?
What else do I do? Ah, the Mute Math thing.

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Make sure you go see this Spring Tour from Mute Math. It's going to be special. Most of my online hours have been spent trying to let people know about this, so I hope that those of you who go can really enjoy it! I mean that.
Alright, that's it.
Much love,
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